A Journey of Love and Joy

Sometimes it is in the darkest hours that we find our true strength and centering, and so it was for me with ceramics. What began as a way to decompress from the stress of a corporate job, became a journey to self discovery and a deeply meditative world of creativity and joy in life.

The one constant in life is change. What pottery has taught me is that the changes you resist are often the ones your soul truly needs and the changes you fear can open doors to possibilities you never imagined.

And so through a lump of clay, my hands have shown me how to embrace the unknown and end up finding the very best you. You can start with a vision of what you want to throw, and on that day, the clay has other ideas for you. You can stop and begin again — and again — IF you are willing — and end up with the most beautiful piece your hands have made.

Sitting at my pottery wheel, often outside amidst my garden, judgements, stress, uncertainty and unrest all fall away. Making way for the beauty and joy in life. It is never lost on me that the first step in wheel throwing is called “centering”.

So, here I am today, bringing my inspiration and joy to pieces that I hope will find a place in your heart and home.

💛 Carolyn Sunseri

A Box of Caramels